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NPI Number Now Required to Complete Certain ABOG Tasks
Physicians will be required to provide their National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers effectively immediately to complete certain ABOG tasks, such as submitting applications for exams or applying for Maintenance of Certification. Please be aware that you will be prompted to supply your number in various applications. To access the NPI registry, click here.
In order to continue to improve service levels and maintain low administrative costs, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) is automating interactions with external systems. The National Provider Identifier Registry (NPI), being a public data source that uniquely identifies a medical provider, is one of the primary and safest ways to accomplish this data integration. For additional inquiries, please email questions to:
In order to continue to improve service levels and maintain low administrative costs, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) is automating interactions with external systems. The National Provider Identifier Registry (NPI), being a public data source that uniquely identifies a medical provider, is one of the primary and safest ways to accomplish this data integration. For additional inquiries, please email questions to: