Hundreds of board-certified OB GYNs volunteer countless hours each year to help maintain the highest standards in OB GYN certification and maintenance of certification. They represent a wide range of practice types, ages, genders, locations, ethnicities, and experiences. ABOG is seeking individuals from diverse backgrounds to join our growing team of volunteers.
Why volunteer?
Improvement of care for patients
Collaboration with colleagues
Networking opportunities with OB GYNs across the country
Enhance your volunteer experience on your CV
Social media checks
Please know that as part of the volunteer selection process for all positions, social media checks are conducted. Being a volunteer for ABOG is both a privilege and a responsibility. If selected as a volunteer, you will serve as a highly valued brand ambassador for ABOG, both through your official volunteer responsibilities and in all interactions, including on social media. Your social media presence, therefore, not only reflects on you personally but may also be viewed as a representation of the Board. As such, after your self-nomination application is received, an ABOG staff member will send you a survey asking whether you have a social media presence, and if you do, you will be asked to provide your social media handles via the survey.
If you would like to opt out of the survey and social media review, you can do so, and it will not impact your self-nomination. We want to let you know as a courtesy that our staff monitors social media, similar to other organizations who do so as a way to protect and preserve brand reputation.
Important update regarding volunteer positions:
A task titled “Self-Nomination Form” was added to some diplomate portals recently regarding volunteer positions. The task was added based on eligibility requirements of open positions.
This is an optional task and does not in any way impact your certification.
The task will populate a volunteer opportunity and a corresponding submission form pending availability of positions and your eligibility for any given position(s).
You can remove this task but be aware that doing so will result in missing future volunteer opportunities you could be eligible for and interested in pursuing.
If you remove this task but want ABOG to add it again later because you want to check on open positions that match your eligibility, you can contact us at
Volunteer positions are always listed on this page, so checking here periodically will enable you to view open positions and eligibility requirements. If one appears that you’d like to pursue, feel free to contact us.
Volunteer Positions
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Our current nomination cycle is now closed, but we encourage you to check back soon for future openings. We’re grateful for your enthusiasm and commitment to our mission.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Our current nomination cycle is now closed. The nomination period is open annually from September 1 through December 31. If you have any questions, please contact us at We’re grateful for your enthusiasm and commitment to our mission.
Nominees must be an ABOG Diplomate in Obstetrics and Gynecology for at least five full years and be participating in Continuing Certification (MOC).
Nominees may not be in a subspecialty certification process, with the exception of Complex Family Planning Senior Candidates, who are eligible to apply for Specialty examiner.
Nominees must be involved in undergraduate medical education (students) or preferably graduate medical education (residents or fellows).
Nominees must practice in the United States and be clinically active (involved in patient care at least an average of a half day per week averaged over a month).
If a nominee is chosen, their term as an examiner will not exceed 10 years. However, up to three non-consecutive sabbatical years may be taken during the 10 years and additional time will be granted to extend the examiner term to a maximum of 13 years total.
Examine candidates in person for one full week during the year, as assigned in Dallas, TX.
Participate in an in-person orientation on the Sunday prior to exams
Watch any videos or webinars related to exams prior to arrival
Required Qualifications:
Nominees must be an ABOG Diplomate and certified in their subspecialty (GO, MFM, REI, or URPS) for at least three full years by the close of the application period (certified in 2022 or earlier). CFP self-nominations are not being accepted in the current self-nomination period.
Nominees must hold current, active certification and be participating in the Maintenance of Certification process for their subspecialty.
Nominees must be involved in graduate medical education (residents or fellows).
Nominees must be clinically active in the U.S. and involved in patient care at least an average of a half day per week averaged over a month.
If a nominee is chosen, their term as an examiner will not exceed 10 years. However, up to three non-consecutive sabbatical years may be taken during the 10 years and additional time will be granted to extend the examiner term to a maximum of 13 years total.
Self-Nomination Process:
Nominees should review their ABOG profile prior to submitting a self-nomination to ensure that the personal information and hospital practice sections are complete and up to date.
Nominees must complete the self-nomination online form by May 31 to be placed on the list of potential subspecialty examiners to be considered for the following year of subspecialty certifying examinations.
To apply, nominees must log in to their ABOG portal dashboard and click on the purple Administrative Tasks tab to access the “Self-Nomination Form” task. Complete the form for Subspecialty Certifying Examiner and upload the completed documents as requested.
Confirmation of receipt of a submitted self-nomination will be sent within one week of submission.
New and alternate examiners from the list will be selected based on demographic characteristics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, location, etc.) representative of ABOG diplomate characteristics.
ABOG will invite new and alternate examiners by December 31 for the following April subspecialty certifying examinations.
Self-nominations are considered annually. If a nominee is not selected for the upcoming exam cycle, a new application should be made for future consideration.
Applications require the following documents that should be ready to upload when submitting a self-nomination:
a statement of interest (cover page) that in 150 words or less explains why the nominee is interested/qualified to serve as an examiner,
The nomination period is open annually from February 1 through May 31. If you have any questions, please contact us at Learn more here.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Our current nomination cycle is now closed, but we encourage you to check back soon for future openings. We’re grateful for your enthusiasm and commitment to our mission.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Our current nomination cycle is now closed, but we encourage you to check back soon for future openings. We’re grateful for your enthusiasm and commitment to our mission.