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Specialty Requirements

CC Component
CC Years 1-5
CC Year 6
Professionalism and Professional StandingIf requested, submit medical license(s) and outpatient practice attestation.If requested, submit medical license(s) and outpatient practice attestation.
Lifelong Learning and Self-AssessmentRead 14 articles in any category and  1 article in Health Equity and Patient Safety; answer 120 questions.Read 14 articles in any category and  1 article in Health Equity and Patient Safety; answer 120 questions.
Assessment of Knowledge, Judgement, and SkillsNot required.If eligible for Performance Pathway , choose to participate and be exempt from the exam. If ineligible for Performance Pathway, pass the computer-based exam.
Practice ImprovementStart and complete one activity per year.Start and complete one activity per year.