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Article Assignments

Read 14 articles (and answer questions) from any article category in any combination in: obstetrics, gynecology, office practice, pediatric and adolescent gynecology, the five subspecialties, or any of the other available article categories (for example, CDC, emerging topics, or statistics).

Read 1 article (and answer questions) in Health Equity and Patient Safety.

Read 10 articles (and answer questions) in the diplomate's specific subspecialty article category.

Read 1 article (and answer questions) in Health Equity and Patient Safety.

Read 4 articles (and answer questions) for any article category in any combination in: obstetrics, gynecology, office practice, pediatric and adolescent gynecology, the other four subspecialties, or any of the other available categories (for example, CDC, emerging topics, or statistics).

Read 5 articles (and answer questions) in the diplomate's first subspecialty article category.

Read 5 articles (and answer questions) in the diplomate's second subspecialty article category.

Read 1 article (and answer questions) in Health Equity and Patient Safety.

Read 4 articles (and answer questions) from any article category in any combination in: obstetrics, gynecology, office practice, pediatric and adolescent gynecology, the other three subspecialties, or any of the other available categories (for example, CDC, emerging topics, or statistics).



  1. Throughout the MOC year, a specialist reads 14 articles (in obstetrics, gynecology, office practice, and pediatric and adolescent gynecology) and 1 Health Equity and Patient Safety article and submits a total of 120 answers. For the 120 questions answered, the diplomate scores an 87%. Because the diplomate completed all the reading and questions and scored higher than an 80%, the MOC Part II requirement is met.
  2. A subspecialist diplomate submits answers to 1 Health Equity and Patient Safety article, 4 general articles and 10 of their subspecialty articles, but only 65% are correct. The MOC requirement is not met because the 80% threshold performance on article questions was not achieved. The subspecialist will have to take and pass the MOC Re-Entry Exam to regain certification.