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Multi-Facet Rasch Model Certifying Exam Scoring

Scoring on the Certifying Exam


Candidates are scored independently by two examiners using a rubric on their case lists and the structured cases that are administered to them in each of the three hours of the exam. Examiners score candidates on a scale of 1-4 on all structured cases and their case lists (and their thesis, if applicable). A score of 3 represents a physician who is knowledgeable, practices in a clinically capable manner, and can serve as a consultant to non-OB GYN physicians (specialty exam) or OB GYN physicians (subspecialty exam). Receiving a grade below 3 on any one of the cases or case lists does not result in an automatic failure on the entire exam. In addition, performing poorly on an entire hour of the exam does not result in an automatic failure on the exam.



The Passing Standard


In theory, it is possible for every candidate to pass the exam, provided they meet the minimum passing standard (i.e., what is known as a criterion-referenced test). Although a score of 3 is Competent on the scale, ABOG takes into consideration that not all candidates will be able to achieve a competent score on every case and every case list they are assessed on, and the overall exam cut-score is thus set lower, as determined by a panel of Subject Matter Experts.



Calculation of Scores


Candidate scores on the exam are calculated through psychometric analyses using the Multi-Facet Rasch Model (MFRM). These scores are referred to as a “fair measure average.” The fair measure average is a score that is adjusted to take into account both case difficulty and examiner severity of a candidate’s examination in comparison to the cases/examiners other candidates received across the week. Candidates who score at or above the set cut-score pass the examination. In addition, to account for measurement error, candidates who score within the 95% Confidence Interval (CI) band around the cut-score pass, even if their final score is below the cut-score.


Click here for a brief explanation of the theory behind the model.