Qualifying Exam
There are various residency requirements to complete prior to taking the Qualifying Exam (QE). It’s a great idea to review these requirements ahead of time to ensure when it's time to take the QE, you won’t experience any hold-ups. To access the comprehensive Bulletin that details all QE requirements, click here.
One requirement that must be completed before becoming an Active Candidate for the Certifying Exam after passing your Qualifying Exam is the Surgical Skills Program standard. Announced in January 2018, a candidate may take the Qualifying Exam without completing the requirement, but must pass the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) or Essentials in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (EMIGS) to move forward as an Active Candidate for OB GYN certification.
Certifying Exam
After passing the QE and moving toward the CE, there are various requirements to meet. Review them now, or be sure to come back to visit at an appropriate time in the future to ensure you’re eligible and ready for the CE. To access the comprehensive Bulletin that details all CE requirements, click here.
As with the QE, there are eligibility requirements to meet before applying for the Certifying Exam (CE). It’s important to know and understand these requirements well ahead of time so that applying for the CE will proceed smoothly for you.