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Notifying Entities of Newly Certified Diplomates

ABOG notifies the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of the names and addresses of the diplomates certified that year.



  • A list of the names sent to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) for inclusion in the ABMS database that includes displays in Certification Matters and ABMS Solutions products. These tools are used for primary source verification (PSV) of certification by various stakeholders.
  • Diplomate status may also be provided by other organizations, government agencies, and the lay public.
  • As a candidate, you'll sign a statement acknowledging disclosure of this information at the time of the Certifying Exam.
  • The results of the Certifying Exam may also be forwarded to your residency program and/or the American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).


De-identified results of the Certifying Examination may be used by ABOG for research purposes.